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Ajwan Seedبذور الكمونSemilla de Ajowanアジワンの種阿魏子种子

Origin: Ajwan seeds, also known as carom seeds or bishop’s weed, are primarily grown in the regions of Gujarat and Rajasthan in India.

Harvest Season: The harvest season for Ajwan seeds in India typically spans from February to April.

Qualities & Grades: Ajwan seeds are available in various qualities and grades. Some commonly found grades include:

  1. Grade A: These seeds are handpicked, whole, and have a strong aroma and flavor.
  2. Grade B: These seeds are slightly smaller in size but still possess a good taste and aroma.
  3. Grade C: These seeds may have some impurities and are relatively smaller in size.

Price Variation: Prices of Ajwan seeds usually witness fluctuations throughout the year. However, they tend to increase during the months of April to June due to the higher demand and limited availability of fresh crops.

Adulteration: Adulteration of Ajwan seeds can occur through mixing with inferior quality seeds or adding fillers. To ensure the purity and authenticity of Ajwan seeds, it is recommended to source them from reputable suppliers who follow stringent quality control measures.