English Name: Indian Sorghum
Arabic Name: سورغوم هندي (Sorghum Hindi)
Chinese Name: 印度高粱 (Yìndù Gāoliáng)
Spanish Name: Sorgo Indio
Japanese Name: インドソルガム (Indo Sorugamu)

Origin: Sorghum, also known as Jowar, is a cereal grain that originated in Africa and has been cultivated in India for centuries. Indian Sorghum refers to the varieties of sorghum grown in India, which are widely consumed for their nutritional value and culinary uses.

Growing Areas: Sorghum is cultivated in various regions of India, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan. These regions provide favorable climatic conditions for the growth and development of sorghum crops.

Harvest Season: The harvest season for Indian Sorghum varies depending on the specific region and weather conditions. Generally, the crop is harvested between September and December, with variations based on local agricultural practices.


  • Grain Size and Shape: Indian Sorghum grains vary in size and shape, ranging from small to medium-sized grains. The grains can be round or oval in shape, depending on the variety.
  • Color: The color of Indian Sorghum grains can range from white to cream, yellow, or reddish-brown, depending on the variety.
  • Nutritional Value: Indian Sorghum is rich in nutrients and provides dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is also gluten-free, making it a suitable option for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Grades and Qualities:

  • Indian Sorghum is classified into different grades based on factors such as grain size, color, purity, and moisture content. Common grades include Bold Sorghum, Medium Sorghum, and Small Sorghum, each with its own characteristics and uses.


  • Culinary Uses: Indian Sorghum is a versatile grain used in various culinary preparations. It is commonly used to make rotis (flatbreads), porridges, and traditional dishes such as Jowar Khichdi, Jowar Upma, and Jowar Pongal. It can also be ground into flour and used in baking or as a thickening agent in soups and stews.
  • Animal Feed: Indian Sorghum is also used as animal feed for livestock, particularly in the poultry and cattle industries.

Adulteration: Adulteration of Sorghum can occur with other grains or low-quality sorghum varieties. It is essential to source Indian Sorghum from reputable suppliers who ensure the authenticity and quality of the product.

Price Trends: Prices of Indian Sorghum can be influenced by factors such as demand, supply, market conditions, and government policies. Stay updated with market trends to make informed decisions.