English Name: Indian Basmati Rice
Arabic Name: أرز البسمتي الهندي (Arroz al Basmati al Hindi)
Chinese Name: 印度巴斯马蒂米 (Yìndù Bāsīmǎdì Mǐ)
Spanish Name: Arroz Basmati de la India
Japanese Name: インドのバスマティ米 (Indo no Basumati Mai)

Origin: Basmati Rice is a long-grain aromatic rice variety that originated in the Indian subcontinent. Indian Basmati Rice specifically refers to Basmati rice varieties grown in India, known for their distinct fragrance and flavor.

Growing Areas: Indian Basmati Rice is primarily cultivated in the northern regions of India, including states such as Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand. These regions provide the ideal soil and climate conditions for the cultivation of high-quality Basmati Rice.

Harvest Season: The harvest season for Indian Basmati Rice in India typically begins in the months of October and November, varying slightly depending on the specific region and climate conditions. The rice is harvested when the grains have reached their optimal maturity and flavor.


  • Grain Length: Indian Basmati Rice is known for its long and slender grains that can range from 6 to 8 millimeters in length.
  • Aroma: It is renowned for its characteristic aroma, often described as a delicate blend of nutty and floral notes. The aroma becomes more pronounced after cooking.
  • Texture: Cooked Indian Basmati Rice has a soft and fluffy texture, with each grain remaining separate and non-sticky.

Grades and Qualities:

  • Indian Basmati Rice is classified into different grades based on factors such as grain length, purity, color, and absence of defects.
  • Common grades include Traditional Basmati, Pusa Basmati, 1121 Basmati, and Super Basmati, each with its own characteristics and market demand.


  • Culinary Uses: Indian Basmati Rice is highly prized for its exceptional taste, aroma, and texture. It is a popular choice for biryanis, pilafs, pulao, and other rice-based dishes. It pairs well with a variety of curries, meats, and vegetables, enhancing the overall dining experience.
  • Export Quality: Indian Basmati Rice is sought after globally and is often used in high-end restaurants and gourmet cooking due to its premium quality and unique characteristics.

Adulteration: Adulteration of Basmati Rice can occur with lower-quality rice varieties or blending with non-Basmati rice. It is important to source Indian Basmati Rice from reputable suppliers who provide authentic, certified products.

Price Trends: Indian Basmati Rice prices are influenced by factors such as demand, supply, quality, brand, and market conditions. Prices can fluctuate based on harvest yields, export demand, and government policies. Stay updated with market trends to make informed decisions.