English Name: Indian Sesame Seed
Arabic Name: بذور السمسم الهندي (Bazoor al-Simsim al-Hindi)
Chinese Name: 印度芝麻 (Yìndù Zhīmá)
Spanish Name: Semilla de Sésamo de la India
Japanese Name: インドのごまの種子 (Indo no Goma no Shushi)

Origin: Sesame seeds have been cultivated in India for thousands of years and are a vital ingredient in Indian cuisine. Indian Sesame Seeds are renowned for their unique flavor and nutritional benefits.

Growing Areas: Sesame seeds are primarily grown in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra in India. These regions provide favorable conditions for the cultivation of sesame crops.

Harvest Season: The harvest season for Indian Sesame Seeds typically occurs between September and November. It is crucial to harvest the seeds when they reach maturity and turn golden brown.


  • Seed Size and Color: Indian Sesame Seeds come in various sizes, including small, medium, and large. They have a characteristic teardrop shape and can range in color from white, off-white, to light brown.
  • Flavor and Aroma: Indian Sesame Seeds have a rich, nutty flavor and aroma, which intensifies when they are roasted. The flavor profile can vary slightly depending on the variety and processing methods.
  • Nutritional Value: Indian Sesame Seeds are highly nutritious, packed with essential nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, dietary fiber, vitamins (B vitamins, vitamin E), and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc). They are also a good source of antioxidants.

Grades and Qualities:

  • Indian Sesame Seeds are graded based on factors such as size, color, purity, and oil content. Common grades include White Sesame Seeds, Black Sesame Seeds, Hulled Sesame Seeds, and Natural Sesame Seeds. Each grade has its own unique characteristics and applications.


  • Culinary Uses: Indian Sesame Seeds are a versatile ingredient used in various culinary preparations. They are widely used for garnishing bread, buns, and biscuits. Sesame oil, extracted from the seeds, is a popular cooking oil in Indian cuisine and is used in stir-fries, dressings, marinades, and traditional dishes.
  • Bakery and Confectionery: Sesame seeds are also used in baking bread, cookies, and sweets. They add a delightful crunch and flavor to these preparations.
  • Tahini and Sesame Paste: Sesame seeds are ground into a paste called tahini, which is used as a base for sauces, dips, and spreads in many cuisines.

Adulteration: Adulteration of Sesame Seeds can occur with other seeds or low-quality sesame seeds. It is important to source Indian Sesame Seeds from reputable suppliers who ensure the purity and quality of the product.

Price Trends: Prices of Indian Sesame Seeds can be influenced by factors such as demand, supply, market conditions, and agricultural factors. Stay updated with market trends to make informed decisions.