English Name: Indian Sunflower Seed
Arabic Name: بذور عباد الشمس الهندي (Bazoor ‘Ibad al-Shams al-Hindi)
Chinese Name: 印度葵花籽 (Yìndù Kuíhuā Zǐ)
Spanish Name: Semilla de Girasol de la India
Japanese Name: インドのひまわりの種子 (Indo no Himawari no Shushi)

Origin: Sunflower seeds are native to North America and have been cultivated in India for their edible seeds and oil. Indian Sunflower Seeds are known for their distinct flavor and versatility.

Growing Areas: Sunflower seeds are primarily grown in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Gujarat in India. These regions offer suitable climatic conditions for the cultivation of sunflower crops.

Harvest Season: The harvest season for Indian Sunflower Seeds typically falls between October and December. It is important to harvest the seeds when the flower heads have dried and the seeds are fully matured.


  • Seed Size and Color: Indian Sunflower Seeds are medium to large in size and have a characteristic tear-drop shape. They are known for their elongated, black and white striped outer shell.
  • Flavor and Texture: Indian Sunflower Seeds have a mildly nutty flavor and a firm, crunchy texture. They can be enjoyed raw, roasted, or as an ingredient in various culinary preparations.
  • Nutritional Value: Indian Sunflower Seeds are a nutrient-rich snack, packed with protein, healthy fats (including omega-6 fatty acids), dietary fiber, vitamins (vitamin E, B vitamins), and minerals (magnesium, phosphorus).

Grades and Qualities:

  • Indian Sunflower Seeds are commonly available in various grades, including Confectionery Sunflower Seeds and Oilseed Sunflower Seeds. The confectionery-grade seeds are larger and primarily used for snacking purposes, while the oilseed-grade seeds are smaller and preferred for oil extraction.


  • Snacking: Indian Sunflower Seeds are a popular snack enjoyed on their own or added to trail mixes, granola bars, and baked goods. They provide a satisfying crunch and are a good source of energy.
  • Culinary Uses: Sunflower seeds can be incorporated into a variety of culinary creations. They can be used as a topping for salads, soups, and cereals, or added to baked goods like bread, muffins, and cookies. Ground sunflower seeds can be used as a substitute for flour in certain recipes.
  • Oil Extraction: Sunflower seeds are commonly used for oil extraction. The oil is light in flavor and widely used in cooking, frying, salad dressings, and as a substitute for other cooking oils.

Adulteration: Adulteration of Sunflower Seeds can occur with other similar-looking seeds or low-quality seeds. It is important to source Indian Sunflower Seeds from reputable suppliers who ensure the purity and quality of the product.

Price Trends: Prices of Indian Sunflower Seeds can vary based on factors such as demand, supply, crop conditions, and market dynamics. Stay informed about market trends to make informed decisions.