Cummin Crashed, Corrainder gains, Turmeric holds on, Tamarind higher

CUMMIN: Weak demand scared speculators/stockiest who have crashed the prices in the futures markets very sharply by more than USD 1,000 per mt from the highs witnessed last month. Some more fall in expected in this month as sowings for the new crop start but question mark over winter onset will determine the harvest. Prices of Cumin will once again rise from December and current weakness must be taken advantage to gain entry.
TURMERIC: Prices have started to increase steadily after coming down in past 3 weeks as the arrival of new crop draws closer in January 24. Reports of a very dismal harvest almost 40% lower and additional fear of a disease affecting some growing regions will ensure that prices remain high during this season. Carryover stocks are at a record low as most were sold off when prices skyrocketed in July/Aug. Sensing an opportunity, stockiest & speculators have once more entered the markets. Export interest at lower levels has also started. Price of Turmeric are sure to zoom in Feb. 24 so it is advisable to cover your requirements and build inventory without further delay
CORRIANDER: Has jumped up sharply from low levels after brisk export demand. New arrivals however have started petering out. Prices are likely to remain steady around these levels.
GINGER: As the new crop of fresh Ginger started arriving, it becomes evident that harvest is again below par this year as availability shows no sign of increasing. Fresh Ginger prices are again touching record levels in the local markets in expectation of onset of winter, proving no incentive for producers to process into DRY GINGER that becomes very unremunerative. Stocks of old crop of poor quality, therefore continue to be in demand where prices refuse to come down. Reports of crop failure in NIGERIA and average yield in CHINA will once more restrict availability of DRY GINGER that will take prices to another high.
CARDAMOM: New crop arrivals have started picking up. Prices that had scaled up sharply are now showing signs of moderating in the absence of lackluster local & export demand at higher levels. Prices are expected to remain steady at lower levels.
TAMARIND: Prices firmed up as RAMADAN demand started. New crop is feared to by more than 50% lower than normal. Carryover stock in cold store is namesake. Labor cost to break Tamarind are exorbitant. Local demand is very good so prices will jump irrespective of export demand being damp.
SESAME: Prices for new crop are steady to firm as good quality is in short supply. On the other hand South Korea, which is a major buyer of Indian Sesame, has not yet shown any inclination to enter market for buying. Price can come down steadily until Feb 24 when local demand will increase to push prices up again.