English Name: Indian Maize
Arabic Name: ذرة هندية (Dhurra Hindiyah)
Chinese Name: 印度玉米 (Yìndù Yùmǐ)
Spanish Name: Maíz de la India
Japanese Name: インドのトウモロコシ (Indo no Toumorokoshi)

Origin: Maize, also known as corn, is a cereal grain that originated in the Americas. Indian Maize specifically refers to maize varieties cultivated in India and is an important staple crop in the country.

Growing Areas: Indian Maize is grown in various states across India, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. It is also cultivated in other countries such as the United States, China, Brazil, and Mexico.

Harvest Season: The harvest season for Indian Maize in India varies depending on the region and climate. Generally, the harvesting period falls between September and December, after the crop has reached maturity.


  • Color: Indian Maize kernels come in a variety of colors, including yellow, white, and multicolored varieties.
  • Size and Shape: Indian Maize kernels are relatively large and have a distinctive oblong or rounded shape.
  • Texture: The texture of Indian Maize kernels can vary depending on the variety, ranging from soft to hard.

Grades and Qualities:

  • Indian Maize is categorized into different grades based on factors such as kernel size, color, moisture content, and presence of any defects.
  • The quality of Indian Maize is assessed based on parameters such as moisture content, protein content, purity, and absence of foreign matter.


  • Culinary Uses: Indian Maize is a versatile crop used in various culinary preparations. It can be consumed as a vegetable when young and tender, or as a staple grain after drying and processing. Indian Maize is used in the preparation of dishes such as cornbread, tortillas, porridge, soups, and snacks.
  • Animal Feed: Indian Maize is a significant component of animal feed formulations due to its high nutritional value and energy content. It is commonly used as feed for poultry, cattle, pigs, and other livestock.

Adulteration: Adulteration of Indian Maize can occur with lower-quality grains or foreign matter. It is important to source Indian Maize from reputable suppliers who adhere to quality standards and ensure the purity of the product.

Price Trends: Indian Maize prices can be influenced by factors such as demand, supply, market conditions, weather patterns, and government policies. Stay updated with market trends and factors affecting pricing to make informed decisions.