English Name: Dry Ginger
Arabic Name: جنزبيل جاف (Jinzabil Jaf)
Chinese Name: 干姜 (Gān Jiāng)
Spanish Name: Jengibre Seco
Japanese Name: 乾燥した生姜 (Kansō-shita Shōga)

Origin: Dry ginger is derived from the rhizome of the Zingiber officinale plant, which is native to Southeast Asia, including India, China, and Indonesia.

Harvest Season: Dry ginger is typically harvested when the plant reaches maturity, and the leaves start to turn yellow. The rhizomes are then cleaned, dried, and processed to make dry ginger.


  • Flavor: Dry ginger has a warm, spicy, and pungent flavor. It is more concentrated than fresh ginger and has a slightly sweeter taste.
  • Aroma: Dry ginger has a strong and aromatic fragrance with earthy and citrusy undertones. The aroma is intense and invigorating.
  • Appearance: Dry ginger is available in powdered form, typically light brown or golden in color. It has a fine texture and is easily soluble in liquids.

Grades and Qualities:

  • Dry ginger is available in different qualities and grades in BLEACHED & UNBLEACHED form. Higher-quality powders are typically more aromatic and flavorful.


  • Culinary Uses: Dry ginger powder is widely used in cooking and baking. It adds a distinctive flavor to various dishes, including curries, soups, stews, marinades, desserts, and beverages. Dry ginger is a key ingredient in many spice blends and chai tea.
  • Medicinal Properties: Dry ginger is known for its potential health benefits. It is believed to have digestive, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting properties. Dry ginger tea is often consumed for its soothing and warming effects.

Adulteration: Dry ginger is sometimes adulterated with inferior quality or synthetic substances to increase profits. Common adulterants include cornstarch, turmeric, and other powdered spices. It is advisable to source dry ginger from reputable suppliers to ensure purity and authenticity.

Price Trends: Dry ginger prices can vary based on factors such as crop yield, demand, and market conditions. Prices may be influenced by seasonal variations and fluctuations in supply. It is advisable to stay updated with market trends to understand price movements.