Tamarind means date of India;. Tamarind is from a curved brown bean-pod from the tamarind tree. The plant has dubious distinction as It is believed that by staying under the shade of the plant for longer period it effects health even death, for which it is known as Yamadutica meaning the messenger of Yama, the god of death. The ripe fruit, on an average, comprises about 55% tamarind pulp, 33% seeds and about 12% fiber. 
The pod contains a sticky pulp enclosing one to ten shiny black seeds. It is the pulp that is used as a flavoring for its sweet, sour, fruity aroma and taste. It is available as a pressed fibrous slab, It has a slightly fruity aroma. and a refreshing sour taste. The ripe fruit is considered as appetizing, laxative, tonic to the heart, anthelmintic, heals wounds and fractures The chief use of the seeds lies in the manufacture of textile sizing powder. It is widely used in sizing jute yarns and some cotton yarn. The kernel is used as creaming agent for rubber latex, soil stabilizer, and as pectin substitute.
Tamarind pulp is used in numerous culinary preparations. It is also a raw material for the preparation of wine like beverages. The tamarind kernel powder is found to be extensively used for its sizing properties, in textile, confectionary, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The testa is used in dyeing and tanning industry. The tender leaves and flowers are used as vegetables. In medicine, it is used as appetizing, laxative, healing and anti-helmintic. It is also used against fluorosis.